Clark is a 3-year-old male neutered domestic
shorthair cat who presented to the Pekin Veterinary Clinic because he was
straining to urinate and the owner was seeing blood in his urine (hematuria).
He was also acting like he was in pain and was not eating or drinking at home. On
physical examination, Clark's heart rate was greatly increased (tachycardia)
and he had a large hard bladder on abdominal palpation. When Clark's abdomen
was manipulated, he was extremely painful.
At this time, Clark was taken to our
ultrasonography room to assess his bladder on the ultrasound and collect a
urine sample by cystocentesis. The ultrasound showed that the bladder was very
large, distended and contained a lot of foreign material. The urine sample that
was collected revealed that the urine was very bloody and contained an
abundance of what appeared to be crystalline material. The urine sample was
sent into the laboratory for urinalysis. The urinalysis revealed that the
bladder contained crystals (struvite) and blood from the inflammation of the
inside of the bladder wall from the crystals.
Clark was in very critical condition, so it was
decided between Clark's mom and the veterinarian that he needed to be treated
as soon as possible for this condition. We started by collecting Clark's blood
and assessing his kidney function and electrolytes. His blood work showed that
both of his kidney values were highly elevated. His blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
was 119 (normal range 10-30) and his creatinine was 9.8 (normal range 0.3-2.1).
The electroyte that was dangerously high was potassium (this is a common
bloodwork finding in cats who cannot urinate due to having stones lodged in
their urethra).
Clark was immediately anesthetized to relieve his
pain and so that we could unblock him by passing a sterile urinary catheter. We
needed to unblock Clark as soon as possible to decrease his chance of
complications from his condition. These potential complications included:
bladder rupture from overextension of the bladder wall, irreversible kidney
damage and/or adverse effects on the heart from the high potassium. Once
anesthetized, we unblocked Clark's urethra which was blocked with multiple
small crystals. After the urinary catheter was placed, we flushed that bladder
with a mixture of sterile saline and lubricant to try to remove as many of the
crystals from the bladder and urethra as possible.
A sterile urine collection system was placed on
the end of Clark's urinary catheter so that his urine output and quality could
be assessed. An intravenous catheter was placed in Clark's cephalic vein so
that he could receive fluids to correct his electrolyte disorders and flush the
kidneys to bring down the elevated kidney values. Clark was given oral pain
medications to help keep him comfortable. He was also given an antibiotic to
decrease his chances of getting a urinary tract infection as a result of the
urinary catheter being placed. Clark rested for the remainder of the afternoon
and evening without complication.
Thank you so much for taking such good care of Clark during a scary time. He is getting better and stronger every day. Huge thanks to Dr. Penn and everyone who took such good care of him. One more reason why we love Pekin Vet Clinic and would never take our kitties anywhere else.